PBPC Advent Devotional, Week 4 - Tuesday
John 3:16
16 This, you see, is how much God loves the world: enough to give his only, special son, so that everyone who believes in him should not be lost but should have eternal life.
(translation by NT Wright)
God, in his very nature, in love. As a Trinity of three Persons, God has always loved. As a way of growing that love, God created humans, in his image, so that he could share more love with them. But when humans chose self over love, they walked away from God. The only way to restore that love relationship was for God to come to Earth and make it happen. In John 17:3, Jesus defines eternal life as knowing God and his son, Jesus. And knowing them restarts the love relationship.
Is there a family member or friend whom you haven't seen in way too long? Yes, you've telephoned, Zoomed, FaceTime'd, emailed, or maybe even postal mailed, but it's just not the same, is it? Feel the longing to be with them. Reflect on how that longing is what God feels to be with us. We couldn't go to God, so God had to come to us.