
Showing posts from May, 2021


I had to instruct the students as to the dress code for our team while we were in the villages.

Our True Vocation

The Bible takes this idea of vocation very seriously. From the very beginning, you and I were created for a very important vocation: to be image-bearers of God.

The Work of an Ambassador

Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. We are restored to our place as image-bearers, with the more specific vocation now of ambassadors.

The Message We Have Been Given

God is reconciling the world to himself through Jesus Christ. This is a message that we have experienced first-hand – we know that we are loved by God, that we are forgiven through Jesus, that we are invited into relationship with God through Jesus. Having experienced this, we now have as part of our vocation the mission of sharing it with others.


Ambassadors for Christ, representing Jesus in everything we do , in all of our roles and relationships, and bringing with us the amazing good news.


– indeed, I feel like he doesn't even see me . Now as much as this hurts my pride and raises my sense of insecurity about myself, as I think about this and am honest with myself, there are many times (probably far more than I am aware of) when I have treated others in the same way –

The Work of Christ and New Creation

Jesus is more than a prophet who is pointing the way to God. Jesus himself is the way to God .

The Human Point of View

To describe an attitude that is devoid of God's Spirit and God's values.

The Jesus Point of View

Sees each person as someone who has immeasurable value, someone who is created in God's image, who is deeply loved by God, and who Jesus died on the cross to save . 


Let's focus on this simple – yet huge – idea that we are called to see people as Jesus sees them .