Lenten Devotional - Saturday, Apr. 3

Day 40 - Saturday

April 3

They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths, according to the burial custom of the Jews. Now there was a garden in the place where he was crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid. And so, because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.  John 19:40-42

Jesus died. The executioners knew their business and they did their job. The lifeless body was removed from the cross by sympathetic men and placed into the cold, dark tomb. Saturday, the sabbath, was the day of hopelessness and despair. The story appears to be over, and death as usual has had the last word. 

To Do

Spend some time in silence today and reflect on what it would be like to be without hope.